Sunday, July 02, 2006


It's pretty bad when you're too lazy to sit at a computer and upload some pictures. I've finally gotten around to uploading some. More will follow.


Anonymous said...

"A picture is worth a thousand words"
thanks for the virtual tour-Mum

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful country. I loved the pics...keep them coming. Bro D I was wondering if the teepees might be used for sweat lodges as well. I know the Innu around here has sweat lodge ceremonies from time to time. Love your posts! Can't wait to read of your new adventures. You must have thousands of them with your new pup. Tell Nic I said hi. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Those logs floating in the river, are
they DOG logs or wooden logs?

Anonymous said...

Woo! Hot Naked Brodie. Allllright.

Mara B said...

Hey guy,
I just linked to you. Now give us some more wicked content before the snow starts a'falling.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brodie. I have been waiting patiently for a story about that cute puppy. What's up:)? Paul J

Anonymous said...

Brodie. You live?

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!
Brodie's been busy moving into a new house and working long hours. We also don't have internet at the new house but I am going to get Brodie to write some blogs this weekend and post them from my computer at work on Monday. Just wanted to let you all know we're still alive and well!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Nicole. I was getting worried. Paul J

Anonymous said...

hi nichole,
so good to know your back and getting things on the right track.